Currently, Lili veg food does not have any representatives, and all the names in social media that are with the company's name and are not introduced on our website have no official status and are not in contact with our company.
It is obvious that all necessary information from Lili veg food is provided only through the communication channels listed on the website, and any profit seeking by other people with the name of Lili veg food is beyond the responsibility of the company, and the company does not accept any responsibility towards them.
If you request representation, you can share your requests through our communication channels. The company's experts will review your request after conducting the investigations and receiving the necessary documents.
The information of all the official representatives of Lili veg food will be available to everyone through our website.
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Branch1:Besat St., N. Saadi St., Zanajn, Iran.
Branch 2 :No. 6, N. Talash St., Toos St., Mashhad, Iran.
Canadian Branch: 343 Kerr St., Oakville, Ontario L6K 3B7, Canada.
☎ 647-450-0300 ☎
Lili Foods LTD. will cook, serve, sell and deliver vegetarian food, in a combination of Middle Eastern and North American style, made from high-quality, and healthy ingredients and spices.